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Positive Christian News  That Can Transform Your Life On The Positive Thinking Network

The Positive Thinking Network is your source for Christian positive thinking on the world wide web.  It's the headquarters and home of Christian positive thinking on the internet.  People from one-hundred and ninety six countries come to the Positive Thinking Network to discover everything they want to know about Christian positive thinking.  Visit the Positive Thinking Network and become part of something great.

The Positive Thinking Network logo is a constant reminder that you have the power to live as if you are a great person.  You can live as if your dreams are possible and work each day to make them happen.

The Positive Thinking Network has more than 200 websites and facebook pages that are continually updated.

If you want to find out what is new on the Positive Thinking Network, come to Positive Christian News for updates.

The Positive Thinking Network is alive and dynamic.  Dr. Dave adds positive Christian content upgrading each website so that the Positive Thinking Network truly is the home of Christian positive thinking on the world wide web.

Recent additions to the Positive Thinking Network include the Positive Christian Links, Positive Christian Fish, and Positive Flying Doctor.  The Positive Thinking Network has a new header with a revised color scheme.

Supercharge your life with Positive Christian Scriptures from the Positive Thinking Bible.

Find out about the Positive Thinking Secret and discover 24 Positive Secrets that you need to have in your mind.

Be sure to visit Positive Thinking Guideposts and Positive Guideposts Both websites point you in the right direction and give you the power to make the trip.

Find out about the Positive Butterflies and 100 Positive Thoughts that you need to have in your mind.

Positive Seniors now have their own place on the Positive Thinking Network. They can visit Positive Thinking Seniors, Positive Seniors, and Positive Senior Network.

Captain James Cook said: "I had the ambition to not only go farther than man had gone before, but to go as far as it was possible to go."

The Positive Thinking Network is equally ambitious.  Our ambition is to not only take positive thinking farther than it has gone before, but to take it as far as it is possible to go

Positive Christian News and the Positive Thinking Network will guide you to a positive place that you have never been before.  You will become an Unstoppable, Consistently Positive, Endlessly Persistent Doer of Dreams..

Get the latest Positive Christian News with Dr. Dave on facebook and twitter.        

Maximum Strength Positive Thinking tells you what to say when you talk to your mind, and what to say when your mind talks to you.  You have a lot of things to discuss with your mind, and Maximum Strength Positive Thinking tells you what you should be talking about.  You don't need to spend years searching for empowering ideas that make it possible to live your dreams.  It's already right here in a self-talk format.  The Law of Positive Self-Talk states, "You can change who you are by changing what you say when you talk to your mind."  If you don't like what you hear when your mind talks to you, you have the power to change the message.

Zero Tolerance To Negative Thinking - Overcoming depression is hard, perhaps the hardest thing you will ever do.  Fighting against depression isn't a stroll in the park, but if you decide to join the fray, you can with the battle and drive depression from your mind.  If you want to have a mind free from depression, nobody can stop you.  Your emotions are a reflection of your thoughts.  When you change your thoughts, your emotions automatically change.  You don't have to battle the negative and twisted emotions echoing in your mind.  Instead you need to learn how to change the way you think, and your emotions will naturally take care of themselves.  The challenge you face in depression is to change the way you think.

Real Power: Maxing Out On God's Love - God is love and works by love.  The power and presence of God in my life is love.  Every time I see love, I see God's hand at work.  Every time I feel love, I experience God's presence and power.  When my mind is full of thoughts consistent with God's love, my mind is exactly the way God means for it to be.  When my heart is full of emotions consistent with God's love, my emotions are healthy, and they are exactly the way God means for them to be.  There is no limit to how good my life can become when I open my heart and mind to the power of His love.

Dr. Dave created more than 200  Free Positive Podcasts that you can download directly from his websites or from iTunes.  His Positive Podcasts are also available on Positive Self-Talk.com.

Dr. Dave's podcasts will give you a new way of looking at yourself and your world.  Say good-bye to your old way of thinking and feeling, and say hello to your new life.  A few clicks of the mouse can make a big difference in your life.  And to top it off, it's all free.  Everyone could use some good news that pushes their mind in a positive direction, and that doesn't cost them anything.

Dr. Dave  is also known as Captain Dave of Team Maxing Out.  He spent eleven years sailing around the world with his family on their sailboat, Exit Only. They sailed more than 33,000 miles around the world on their Privilege 39 catamaran including a trip through Pirate Alley and up the Red Sea.  Dr. Dave drives Land Rover Defenders when land cruising.  His Defenders took Team Maxing Out to Arabia, Oman, United Arab Emirates, Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Panama, New Zealand, and Australia.  Soon the adventures will continue with a driving trip around the world and a sailing voyage back to Australia.

Positive Thinking Network -  The Positive Thinking Network is the home of positive thinking on the world wide web.  It's where you come to discover everything you want to know about positive thinking.

There are Positive Podcasts, Power Graphics, Positive Scriptures, Positive Self-Talk, Positive Affirmations, and much more.  Your entire family can cruise through hundreds of positive websites.  This is web safe cruising at its best.  Each web site lifts you up, pushes your mind in a positive direction, and makes it easier to live your dreams.  There is something positive for everyone.


Dr. David J. Abbott M.D. is an eye surgeon who treats inner blindness showing people how to look at the world through eyes of possibility and love. Dr. Dave teaches people how to control their thoughts and emotions so they can make their lives into what they want them to be.  Short talks by Dr. Dave show you how to reestablish command and control over your sometimes unruly mind.

CLICK ON THE SMALL ARROW TO HEAR DR. DAVE AND HIS MESSAGE OF POSSIBILITY AND LOVE . Your heart and mind are waiting to hear from you, so send them a positive message.

Use positive self-talk to change your inner dialogue.  Discover the power of Maximum Strength Positive Thinking.


Learn to live the rest of your life as if you are a great person.  Find out how to make your dreams come true.


Change first happens in your mind. Change who you are by changing what you put into your mind.


Positive Operating System.  Positive Thinking is the right type of thinking.  It's the natural software for my mind.


Excellence is always possible in at least one area of my life.  I can work around physical limitations using the power of the mind.


My mind is the only part of me that can change or that would ever be worth changing.  I become what I think about all day long.


Practice being great each day of your life. Live as if you are a great person.


What I Think About Matters.  When I choose my thoughts, I choose my brain chemistry.


Think on these things.  I will not walk the path of self-destruction by loading my mind with toxic waste.


When will I get better?  Improvement is only a thought away.


Positive Expectations.  You don't get what you want; you get what you expect.


Positive thinking turns bad things into better things.  Find out how.


I am Potential Unlimited.  I develop my potential with positive action.


Say yes to life.  Saying yes opens the door of opportunity. Saying no closes it.


No matter how many times I failed in the past, I can still make my dreams come true. My failures are my launching pad for my future.


The meaning of life. There is never a good reason to interpret events in a negative manner.


Every destination starts as a thought.  I think and act my dreams into existence.


Every new beginning creates a new ending. When I change the way I think, I get a new life.


I change my mind in an instant of time.  At the instant of change, there is a shift in my beliefs about who I am and what I can do.


The power of positive focus. When I focus on a thought, it forces my mind to look in the direction of that thought.

Ready for change. Change takes a long time because I take so much time getting ready.


I am willing to do whatever it takes.. Positive change isn't a matter of the will. Rather, it's a matter of being willing to do whatever it takes.


Change my life. I am the only one who can change my life because I am the only one who can change the way I think.


How change happens. I think and act my new life into existence.


Endless Persistence. The battle is not to the best and the brightest; it's the most persistent who prevails.



The Positive Thinking University offers free courses to anyone who wants to become a more positive person.  Visit Positive Thinking University and learn how to change the way you think and feel.


Either you control your mind, or it controls you.  When you control your thoughts, you control your life. This seminar teaches you how to control your mind.


A positive mind is not an accident, it's something you do on purpose.  A persistently positive focus creates a consistently positive mind.


This seminar asks more than 100 questions about your life and how you run your mind.  The seminar contains links to Maximum Strength Positive Thinking where you find answers to each question.


Maximum Strength Positive Thinking tells you what to say when your mind talks to you.  You have a lot of things to discuss with your mind, and Maximum Strength Positive Thinking tells you what you should be talking about. You can change who you are by changing what you say when you talk to your mind.

You don't need to spend years searching for empowering ideas that make it possible to live your dreams.  It's already right here in a self-talk format.

If you don't like what you hear when your mind talks to you, you can use positive self-talk to change the message and push your inner voice in a positive direction.

You are not helpless, and your life is not hopeless.  In your hands you have everything you need to have a positive mind.  Your mouse allows you to click your way to a positive mind.

The best place to dig for God is in a gold mine. The best place to dig for positive thinking nuggets is in our free Positive Thinking Seminar. If you want to become a mental millionaire, this is the place to start digging. There is gold in every click of the mouse.



The Winning The Battle Against Depression Seminar teaches you how to regain command and control over your mind.  The challenge you face in depression is to change the way you think so you can change the way you feel.  If you want to win the battle against depression, nobody can stop you.


If you have been struggling with depressing thoughts and distorted emotions, this course is for you.



The Positive Spirituality Seminar teaches you how to Max Out On God's Love.  God's Love is the most powerful and positive force in the universe.  When it gets down in your heart and mind, it changes how you think and feel.  You get a completely new way of thinking and feeling.  You become a new person. 


When your mind is full of thoughts consistent with God's love, your mind is exactly the way God means for it to be.


When your heart is full of emotions consistent with God's love, your emotions are healthy, and they are exactly the way God means for them to be.


If you want to become a new person with a new way of thinking and feeling, this course is for you.


You have a lot of things to discuss with your mind, and Maximum Strength Positive Thinking tells you what you should be talking about.


The Law of Positive Self-Talk states: "You can change who you are by changing what you say when you talk to your mind.  When you repeat positive self-talk, you become a different person.


What you say to your mind is your roadmap to the future.  Each word that you say takes you to a specific destination.  Make sure that your self-talk is positive so it takes you where you want to go.
Your mind is waiting to hear from you, and you need to send it a positive message.  If you really want to be positive, nobody can stop you.





The Positive Thinking Network has over 200 podcasts on six different websites.  There are positive audio recordings to suit every taste.


You have a lot of things to discuss with your mind and Positive Thinking Radio tells you what you should be talking about.  The wheel of change turns slowly, but it always turns in the direction of what you put into your mind.  When you put new things into your mind, you get a new life.

Positive Thinking Radio has twenty-four audio recording that you can listen to for free.  There is no easier way of destroying the negative strongholds in your mind than by listening to positive podcasts.


Maximum Strength Positive Thinking tells you what to say when your mind talks to you and what to say when you talk to your mind.

It contains one-hundred and twenty positive recordings that can change the way you think and feel.

You can change who you are by changing what you say when you talk to your mind.  If you don't like what you hear when your mind talks to you, you can use positive self talk to change the message.


Positive Christian Radio overflows with the sound of God's love.

If you want to hear music, you can listen to the new  CD from Too Many Drummers,
"Do You Believe The World Is Flat?"

Too Many Drummers is the featured band on Positive Christian Radio. They play Christian Contemporary Rock, and their new release is an eclectic collection of original music.  I can give you a 100% guarantee that you have never heard anything like their CD.

If your world is feeling a bit flat these days, listen to Too Many Drummers.  You won't be disappointed.

Positive Christian Radio has twenty-five podcasts about the most positive and most powerful force in the universe, God's love.  You need to learn the facts of love. These podcasts can change your life.


Dr. Dave is also known as Captain Dave who has sailed around the world on his catamaran, Exit Only.  Visit Maxing Out and listen to thirteen podcasts of his sailing adventures.  Maxingout Podcasts.


Twenty-two short podcasts that focus on the facts of love.

You don't get what you want in life.  You get what you expect.

You live in a world ruled by positive expectations.  That is why Jesus said, "As you believe, so shall it be done unto you.

It doesn't matter what other  people think.  It's your expectations that count.

If you want to live your dreams, positive expectations must rule your world.


Your emotional mind is an eternal skeptic and must be shown the truth many times before it will believe. That is why affirmations are so valuable.  You can repeat them until you overwhelm the inner skeptic and change the way you feel.

If you want to influence your emotional mind, don't argue with it.  Instead, overwhelm it with positive affirmations.  The inner skeptic is massively susceptible to the power of positive affirmations.

The inner emotional skeptic isn't interested in logic; it's more susceptible to the power of repetition than it is to the power of reason.  If you repeat anything enough times, the inner skeptic has a change of heart, and it changes the way you feel.


Negativity is a powerful tool for destroying a life. Every time you say the word no, your life gets smaller.  Your opportunities recede further into the distance. You must extinguish negativity when it first appears.  Sniff it out when it is small, and snuff it out while it is weak.


Although your thoughts control your emotions, it's your emotions that rule your world.

You can't change your emotions directly, but you change them indirectly by changing the way you think. The wheel of emotion always turns in the direction of what you put into your mind.


Positive thinking works because it is the natural software for your mind. Positive thinking truly is the right type of thinking. It's more than a good idea. It's the way your mind was designed to work.

God designed your mind to function best when it's under the influence of positive beliefs, and when a positive operating system controls your mind


You have a lot of things to discuss with your mind, and everything you say needs to be positive.

If you don't like what you hear when your mind talks to you, you have the power to change the message. The problem is not the voice; it's what the voice has to say. You can change the way you think and feel by changing what you say when you talk to your mind.

Positive Teenagers.com
Positive Christian Music.com
Positive Christian University.com

Maxing Out On God's Love.com
Owner's Manual For Your Mind.com
Positive Christian.com
Positive Christian Wallpaper.com
Positive Self-Talk.com
Power Of Positive Focus.com
Quitting Depression.com
Red Sea Chronicles.com
The Words In Red.com
U R Potential Unlimited.com
Zero Ambivalence.com

Powerful Positive Affirmations.com
Christian Positive Thinking.com
Positive Mental Checklist.com

Maxing Out.com
Positive Butterflies.com
Positive Self Talk.com
Eradicate Depression.com
Positive Christian Radio.com
Positive Thinking Doctor.com

Positive Sailing.com
Positive World Radio.com
Positive Thinking Wallpaper.com
Change Who You Are.com
Backward Thinking.com
Dr. David Abbott.com
Endless Persistence.com
Facts Of Love.com
Flying Like An Eagle.com
How To Defeat Depression.com
How To Control Your Thoughts.com
How To Feel Positive.com

Positive Christian Affirmations.com
Positive Thinking Man.com

Positive Thinking Checklist.com
Positive Graphics.com
Positive Thinking Radio.com
No Negative Thinking.com
Positive Thinking Websites.com
Positive Thinking Woman
Positive Thinking Children

Catamaran DVD.com

Offshore Catamaran.com
Offshore Multihulls.com

Christian World Wide Radio.com

Power Of Positive Expectations.com


The Positive Thinking Network is the home of positive thinking on the world wide web.  More than 200 positive websites fill your mind with positive things.  Visit the Positive Thinking Network and get a new way of thinking and feeling.

Dr. Dave is the Positive Thinking Doctor with more than 200 positive websites in cyberspace.  If you want to learn how to become a positive person, pay a visit to the Positive Thinking Doctor

Positive Thinking Cloud is
your connection to positive thinking on the world wide web.  The Positive Thinking Cloud connects you with hundreds of positive thinkers around the world and is your source for positive pages on facebook.  The cloud has more than one-hundred positive websites.  Visit Positive Thinking Cloud.  There is no need to spend hours searching for positive thoughts to put in your mind.  It's already right here in the Positive Thinking Cloud.

Either you control your mind, or it controls you. When you control your thoughts, you control your life.  Learn how to control your mind.  Visit Positive Thinking Seminars.com.

Free seminar that shows you how to win the battle against depression.  Problems are inevitable, but depression is optional.  Visit Eradicate Depression.com.

The war for a positive mind is fought on the battlefield of focus.  Until you learn how to control your mental focus, you cannot win the battle for a positive mind.  Visit Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Recovery.com

Your emotional mind is an eternal skeptic and must be shown the truth many times before it will believe.  Affirmations overwhelm the inner skeptic and change the way you feel.  Visit Positive Christian Affirmations.com

Would you like to learn how to change who you are?  Visit Change Who You Are.com.

God is the God of the possible.  Impossible is not in God's vocabulary, and it shouldn't be in yours.  Everything is possible when you think the way God thinks.  Visit Increase Faith.com

God and Google track everything you do and know all about you.  The major difference between God and Google is the fact that God actually cares about you.  You need to learn the facts of love.  Visit God And Google.com

Positive Thinking Links is your link to positive thinking websites around the world.  Visit Positive Thinking Links.



Too Many Drummers has a new CD called, "Do You Believe The World Is Flat?" Take a minute to listen to their music.  If you like what you hear, download individual songs or the entire CD from I-Tunes or Amazon music.

When you purchase their music, you get outstanding Christian music, and you support a band with a positive message.

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