You need a library of positive thoughts and graphics that you can
use to banish negativity from your mind. Every time a negative thought enters your mind, push it out
with positive ones.
The Positive Thought For The Week contains positive
graphics and inspirational thoughts that push your mind in a
positive direction. Each graphic has a positive message that
you need to have in your mind.
Focus on each positive graphic and inspirational thought for a full
week until it becomes a permanent resident of your conscious mind.
Whenever you need a mental boost, you go
into rewind and recall its positive message.
Don't let the world beat you down and compress you into its mold.
If you really want to be positive, nobody can stop you.
Follow Positive Thought For The Week on facebook.
God still makes miracles happen when positive expectations rule your
heart and mind. Your faith will make you whole.
I don't get what I want. I get what I expect.
As you believe, so shall it be done unto you.
Ask, and you shall recieve.
You have not, because you ask not.
Faith isn't something we do. It's something God does to us
when we suspend our disbelief and place our trust in him.
When we suspend our disbelief, faith takes control. We get out
of the way and stop limiting God.
We don't have to have faith, faith has to have us.
Faith is like a mighty river dammed up by unbelief. When we
suspend our disbelief and get out of the way, the river of faith
sweeps away our limitations and fills our lives with positive
![Positive Christian Bookstore](POSITIVE-CHRISTIAN-BOOKSTORE.jpg)
Positive Christian Bookstore and fill your mind with
positive things from Dr. Dave.
I will live the rest of my life as if I am a great person. I
will live as if my dreams are possible and work each day to make
them happen.
You have a lot of things to discuss with your mind, and everything
you say needs to be positive.
I become what I think about all day long. What I think about
expands into my life.
When I choose my thoughts, I choose my brain chemistry. When I
change my thoughts, I change my brain chemistry.
God gave me an excellent mind, and He expects me to fill it with
good things.
A persistently positive focus creates a consistently positive
What you put into your mind is your steering wheel.
Every new thought steers your life in a new direction.
You don't get what you want. You get what you expect.
Positive thinking turns bad things into better things.
![Positive Thinking Bookstore](POSITIVE-THINKING-BOOKSTORE.jpg)
Positive Thoughts for the Week come from positive books by Dr.
No matter how many times I failed in the past, I can still make my
dreams come true.
I can change any area of my life by changing the way I think.
I am the only one who can change my life, because I am the only one
who can change the way I think.
Change first happens in my mind.
I build my future thought by thought.
Limiting thoughts are prefabricated excuses for every failure to be
what I want to be and to do what I want to do.
Although limitations appear real, appearances are deceiving.
The only way to find out if they are real is to test them.
Any faith is enough faith to start moving in a positive direction.
I will always have sufficient faith to be the best I can be and do
the best I can do.
I don't need to see far into the distance. I only need to see
where to take the next step.
Repeat positive thoughts until your mind repeats them back to you.
When you talk about negative things, it only increase their power.
Visualization is looking with your mind.
The only person qualified to advise you about your dream is someone
who has already done it.
![Positive Christian Bookstore](POSITIVE-CHRISTIAN-BOOKSTORE.jpg)
Positive Christian Bookstore and fill your mind with
positive things from Dr. Dave.
Whatever you do, you must do it with all your mind, all your heart,
and all your strength.
Ambivalence in our spiritual life means that we have no power.
Ambivalence puts handcuffs on God and limits his ability to help us.
I am a member of the Zero Ambivalence Club. My intellect,
will, and emotions are all heading in the same direction and are
congruent with God's love.
Good role models are a blessing that lasts three lifetimes.
Their positive effect is passed on to the next two generations.
Money is a gift from God, and the ability to enjoy it is an even
greater gift.
When in doubt, do the loving thing.
What do I find when I squeeze my mind? I find out what I have
been putting inside.
Guilt is a hazardous substance, and I must handle it with care.
God never holds anything back if it is good for his children.
When adversity pays an unwelcome visit, I modify my plans, I stick
to my purpose, and I never surrender my dreams.
I audaciously dare to call God my Father, and I will max out on his
I need to look at myself through God's eyes of love to understand
what it means to be one of his children. I need to learn the
facts of love.
I will jump into God's ocean of love and have a life transforming