Positive Thinking Doctor - David J. Abbott M.D.

Maximum Strength Positive Thinking - David J. Abbott M.D. - Positive Thinking Doctor


When I studied psychiatry in medical school, I learned that giving insight to emotionally disturbed patients often didn’t solve their problems. Sometimes there was marginal improvement in their symptoms, but cure was rare. Counseling sessions were a never ending search for critical insights that hopefully would result in improvement.

The quest for a critical insight was a difficult trap from which to escape. Your mind tells you if you can just get the insight you need, you can turn your life around. Unfortunately, this was rarely the case. Even when we discovered the critical insight, it rarely transformed a patient’s life. Insight may have pointed the patient in the right direction, but it didn’t give him the power to make the trip.


Renewing my patient’s rational mind with insight wasn’t enough. We were trying to cure emotional problems by treating their rational mind.

It’s not surprising our treatments were relatively ineffective. We were aiming at the wrong target using a gun that was firing blanks. We needed to shoot at their emotional mind with a weapon that had real power. We needed the power of God’s love.

Although most people believe they make their decisions on a rational basis, the truth is that emotions dominate their life.

In the tug of war between reason and emotion, your emotions almost always win. It’s an unfair contest with the outcome rigged in favor of emotion. The rational mind doesn’t stand a chance.

It’s almost as if your emotional mind is taking anabolic steroids and is unstoppable.

For your entire life you have been pumping emotional iron. Your emotional muscles are so powerful they bully your rational mind and push it wherever they want to go. Your emotions end up controlling your life.

Dr. Dave

The Positive Channel

The best place to go to get your daily dose of positive thinking is The Positive Channel on the Positive Thinking Network. With more than 500 websites, there is something positive for everyone. The Positive Channel is where you come to learn everything you want to know about positive thinking. Hundreds of family safe websites are ready to fill your mind with positive things. Thousands of positive graphics and affirmations change the way you think and feel about who you are and what you can do with your life. Positive music lets you hear the sound of your dreams, and positive videos help you visualize your dreams.

The Positive Channel - Positive Thinking Network - Positive Thinking Doctor - David J. Abbott M.D.


Maximum Strength Positive Thinking - Positive Thinking Doctor - David J. Abbott M.D.


Negative and depressing thoughts packed full of emotion climb into the driver’s seat and hijack your life.

The message is clear. When your emotions are out of control, your rational mind will go for a rough ride until the storm of emotion subsides.

Logic is powerless in the face of unrestrained emotion. Your rational mind watches disaster getting ready to happen and is powerless to stop it, because the emotional mind is deaf to the voice of reason.

Even courts recognize that we are creatures of emotion. When people lose control of their emotions, and in a fit of passion commit murder, the courts charge these people with second degree murder, because it wasn’t premeditated. First degree murder is reserved for those who plan and carry out their crime in a calculated, cold-blooded fashion.

Maximum Strength Positive Thinking - Positive Thinking Doctor - David J. Abbott M.D.


In the battle between reason and emotion, emotion is the unequivocal winner.

One of your highest priorities must be to tame your emotional mind and push it in a positive direction. Until you do that, you will not be in control of your life.

The power of emotion will dominate your life until it meets the most powerful forced in the universe, God’s love.

Renewing your rational mind is relatively easy. You spent the first twenty years of your life learning how to do it. Public education put enough material in your rational mind to last ten lifetimes.

Unfortunately, no one taught you how to renew your emotional mind. No one told you God’s love is the most powerful force in the universe. No one told you God’s love can heal damaged emotions

Maximum Strength Positive Thinking - Positive Thinking Doctor - David J. Abbott M.D.


Renewing the emotional mind is hard, because it requires healing.

Education isn’t enough. Chemical dependencies and damaged emotions will never be healed by taking a class at a university, or by talking to a counselor who tells you all of the reasons why things will be fine once you get everything straightened out in your mind. They can spend years educating your rational mind, and you will never escape your chemical dependencies because your damaged emotions have not been healed.

God’s love is the definitive cure for damaged emotions.

God is a specialist at renewing your emotional mind through the power of his love.

He can heal your emotional wounds, remove your emotional scars, and wash away your guilt.

Although his love will not change the bad things that happened to you in the past, it will erase their power.

His love will not only point you in the right direction, it will also give you the power to make the trip.

Maximum Strength Positive Thinking - Positive Thinking Doctor - David J. Abbott M.D.


God designed my mind to be the door through which the power of his love flows into my life. My mind is where God’s love is brought to bear on the problems of life. When I fill my mind with the power of his love, miraculous things happen. But it’s not the mind that makes them take place. It’s God’s love that makes the miracles come to pass. God’s love gives me a completely new way of thinking and feeling. His love heals my damaged emotions and washes away my guilt. His loves points me in the direction and gives me the power to make the trip.

Maximum Strength Positive Thinking - Positive Thinking Doctor - David J. Abbott M.D.


The Bible says, “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.”

Your heart is your home. It’s where you live in a world of swirling emotions.

Although your thoughts control your emotions, it’s your emotions that rule your world.

If you want to take charge of your life, you must control the storm of thoughts blowing through your heart and mind.

To a great extent, your emotions rule your life.

The Cardinal Law of The Heart is that feeling is believing.

You can tell when you really believe something because you feel it in your heart.

Whether that feeling and belief are correct or not is a completely different issue.

If you feel it, you believe it, and it controls your life. Until you feel something in your heart, you don't really believe it, and it doesn't direct your life.

Your heart is your home, and you should feel comfortable there. It should feel good to be at home with yourself.

If you don't feel good inside, you need to make some changes in the way you think so that you can change the way you feel.


Your heart is like a calculator that sums up everything in your life. After it adds everything up, it tells you how to feel.

When you feel bad, you need to change what you put into your mind so that things add up differently.

When you count your blessings, and fill your mind with good things, your heart adds everything up, and you feel great.

You must put good things into your mind if you want to feel good on the inside. There is no other way.

Maximum Strength Positive Thinking - Positive Thinking Doctor - David J. Abbott M.D.


Although you can’t change your emotions directly, you can change them indirectly by changing how you think.

Your emotions are the direct result of your thoughts, and when you change the way you think, your emotions change as well.

The Bible says, “Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.”

Personal transformation starts in your head and works its way down to your heart. Your new way of thinking transforms your heart and changes the way you feel.

Maximum Strength Positive Thinking - Positive Thinking Doctor - David J. Abbott M.D.


To become a positive person, you must put positive things into your mind. There is no other way to create a positive mind.

You can change the way you think and feel by changing what you say when you talk to your mind.

If you want to change the way you feel, you are going to have to change your inner dialogue. You are going to have to talk to your mind in a different manner.

You must monitor your self-talk and make sure it's positive, and if it's not positive, you must change it. This isn't optional.

If you don't make your self-talk positive, there is no way you are going to win the battle of the mind.

Maximum Strength Positive Thinking - Positive Thinking Doctor - David J. Abbott M.D.


The wheel of emotion always turns in the direction of what you put into your mind.

What you put into your mind is critical. The only way to become a positive person is to put positive things into your mind.

You can make your mind as positive as you want if you are willing to put positive things into your mind.

People who have a genetic predisposition to mood disorders have an even greater need to fill their mind with positive things.

People who have an inner vulnerability predisposing them to depression need to be especially careful about what they allow in their mind. If they fill their mind with toxic waste, they will become depressed.

For these people, the price of a positive mind is eternal vigilance. They must continually stand watch on the door of their mind to keep it from filling up with toxic waste. They must become proactive and adopt a program in which they spend time each day putting positive things into their mind.

Maximum Strength Positive Thinking - Positive Thinking Doctor - David J. Abbott M.D.


When you think negative and limiting thoughts for a long time, you create a chemical imbalance in your brain, and you feel bad.

When you think positive and unlimited thoughts for an extended period, you restore the normal chemical balance, and you feel good once again.

What you think about matters, because it determines the chemistry of your brain. What you think about determines whether you have a positive or negative brain.

You are responsible for the chemistry of your brain.

When you choose your thoughts, you choose your brain chemistry.

When you change your thoughts, you change your brain chemistry.

You are not the victim of your chemistry, you are it's creator.

When you get your thinking straightened out, your brain chemistry returns to normal.

Positive self-talk is an extremely powerful tool you can use to put good things into your mind to create a positive brain.

Maximum Strength Positive Thinking - Positive Thinking Doctor - David J. Abbott M.D.


How do you change the way you think?

Three laws show you how to make it happen.

1. The Law of Positive-Self Talk.
2. The Law of Positive Direction.
3. The Law of Positive Focus.

The Law of Positive Self-Talk states, "You change the way you think and feel by changing what you say when you talk to your mind."

If you want to change the way you feel, you are going to have to change your inner dialogue. You are going to have to talk to your mind in a different manner

The Law of Positive Direction states, "The wheel of change always turns in the direction of what you put into your mind."

You actually push your mind in a positive direction by putting positive and healthy thoughts into your mind.

If you put enough positive thoughts into your mind, you can actually create a positive brain.

You are not helpless, and your life is not hopeless. Your life instantly improves the moment you start putting good things into your mind.

The simple act of reading these positive words turns the wheel of change in a positive direction, and every paragraph you read makes you into a more positive person.

The Law of Positive Focus states, "A persistently positive focus creates a consistently positive mind."

The battle to control your emotions is fought on the battlefield of focus. In order to control your emotions, you will have to learn how to persistently and consistently control the focus of your mind.

Maximum Strength Positive Thinking - Positive Thinking Doctor - David J. Abbott M.D.


Maximum Strength Positive Thinking tells you what to say when your mind talks to you, and what to say when you talk to your mind. You have a lot of things to discuss with your mind, and Maximum Strength Positive Thinking tells you what you should be talking about.

You don't need to spend years searching for empowering ideas that make it possible to live your dreams. It's already right here in a self-talk format.

The Law of Positive Self-Talk states: "You can change the way you think and feel by changing what you say when you talk to your mind."

Maximum Strength Positive Thinking shows you how to use positive self-talk to create a new life. When you repeat positive self-talk, you become a different person. You literally change who you are by changing what you say when you talk to your mind.

If you don't like what you hear when your mind talks to you, you can use positive self-talk to change the message and push your inner voice in a positive direction. You can make your life as positive as you want.

What you say to your mind is your roadmap to the future. Each word takes you to a specific destination. Make sure your self-talk is positive so it takes you where you want to go.

Maximum Strength Positive Thinking is engineered so that you can easily put it into your mind. Each positive self-talk is short, to the point, and easily memorized so it can be indelibly imprinted in your memory banks and quickly have maximum impact.

Maximum Strength Positive Thinking has another benefit not found in other books. It contains more than 100 Power Graphics that speak the language of the mind. The Power Graphics go directly into your photographic memory.

Positive self-talk puts good things in your mind one way, and Power Graphics do it in another. Together they offer a double dose of positive thinking that pushes your inner voice in a positive direction.

If you want to become a positive person, the self-talk and Power Graphics found in Maximum Strength Positive Thinking can make it happen.

Give yourself a double dose of positive thinking today.

If you really want to be positive, nobody can stop you.

Red Sea Chronicles - David J. Abbott M.D. - Positive Thinking Doctor


When Dr. Dave isn't working as a flying Doctor for the Indian Health Service, he is sailing around the world on his sailboat. Find out what it's like to sail on the ocean of your dreams by watching Dr. Dave's DVD - The Red Sea Chronicles. Put some positive adventure into your mind and push your life in a positive direction.

Captain Dave and his family spent eleven years sailing around the world on their Privilege 39 catamaran, Exit Only. During the trip, the crew of Exit Only shot 200 hours of video with professional cameras to show people what it's like to sail on a small boat around the world.

The Red Sea Chronicles is a one hour and twenty-two minute feature film showing their adventures as Exit Only sails through Pirate Alley in the Gulf of Aden and up the Red Sea. The professional footage documents their experiences in Oman, Yemen, Eritrea, Sudan, Egypt, and the Suez Canal. It chronicles the rigors of traveling in a remote section of the world rarely visited by cruisers. Exit Only dodges Yemeni pirates, fights a gale and sand storms in the Bab al Mandeb at the southern entrance to the Red Sea. The crew explores deserted islands on the western shores of the Red Sea, and learns to check the cruising guides for land mines before venturing ashore.

The Red Sea Chronicles also has outstanding Special Features that include an Instructional Video on Storm Management that tells sailors how to deal with storms at sea.

And don't forget the two Music Videos: "The Red Sea Blues", and "Captain - Save Our Souls".

The Red Sea Chronicles is a first class adventure that stokes the sailing dreams of both experienced and wannabe sailors alike. Order your copy of the Red Sea Chronicles and experience the adventures of Exit Only as they sail around the world and up the Red Sea.

Red Sea Chronicles - David J. Abbott M.D. - Positive Thinking Doctor

Real Power: Maxing Out on God's Love - Positive Thinking Doctor - David J. Abbott M.D.
Zero Tolerance to Negative Thinking - Positive Thinking Doctor - David J. Abbott M.D.
Owner's Manual For Your Mind - Positive Thinking Doctor - David J. Abbott M.D.
Programmer's Manual for Your Mind - Positive Thinking Doctor - David J. Abbott M.D.
Maximum Strength Positive Thinking - Positive Thinking Doctor - David J. Abbott M.D.

Positive Thinking Doctor - David J. Abbott M.D. - Dr. Dave

Encourager In Chief - David J. Abbott M.D. - Positive Thinking Doctor - Dr. Dave

Positive Optimist - David J. Abbott M.D. - Positive Thinking Doctor - Dr. Dave


Maxiimum Strenght Positive Thinking - David J. Abbott M.D. - Positive Thinking Doctor.com
Owner's Manual For Your Mind - David J. Abbott M.D. - Positive Thinking Doctor
Zero Tolerance To Negative Thinking - David J. Abbott M.D. - Positive Thinking Doctor
Programmer's Manual For Your Mind - David J. Abbott M.D. - Positive Thinking Doctor
Real Power: Maxing Out On God's Love - David J. Abbott M.D. - Positive Thinking Doctor

Positive Christian Self Talk - David J. Abbott M.D. - Positive Thinking Doctor.com
Quantum Self Talk - David J. Abbott M.D. - Positive Thinking Doctor
Positive Self Talk Yellow Book - David J. Abbott M.D. - Positive Thinking Doctor
Positive Self Talk Silver Book - David J. Abbott M.D. - Positive Thinking Doctor
Real Power: Maxing Out On God's Love - David J. Abbott M.D. - Positive Thinking Doctor


Motivate Bookstore - Positive Thinking Network - Positive Thinking Doctor - David J. Abbott M.D.
Save A Tree Bookstore - Positive Thinking Network - Positive Thinking Doctor  David J. Abbott M.D.
Self Help Bookstore - Positive Thinking Network - Positive Thinking Doctor - David J. Abbott M.D.
Save a tree eBooks - Positive Thinking Network - Positive Thinking Doctor - David J. Abbott M.D.
Ebooks Without Borders - Positive Thinking Network - Positive Thinking Doctor - David J. Abbott M.D.