God's Hammer of Love
God doesn't make bad things happen to good people. God is shaping you and making you into all you can be using his hammer of love. God is good, and He is good all the time. When He strikes with his hammer of love, good things always happen. If bad things are occurring in your life, it is not God who is making them happen. God's hammer of love always transforms bad things into something good.
You Are a Work in Progress
Outward appearances are deceiving, so don't be too quick to judge.Take caterpillars, for instance. Some caterpillars are a thing of beauty, but most of them aren't much to look at. They crawl around like colored worms, they eat leaves for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and they have the personality of a sea slug. When God passed out good looks, he apparently skipped the caterpillars.
Increase Faith
Faith isn’t something that we do. Rather, it’s something God does to us when we suspend our disbelief and place our trust in him. People are always asking how they can have more faith. They believe that they somehow need to pump themselves up so that they have more faith. They believe that faith comes from themselves. They are wrong. Faith comes from trusting God. When you have a close personal relationship with the Father, you have all the faith you need. It's comes with the relationship.
Your Part and God's Part
God’s plan for your life is full of open doors that only you can close. God not only has a plan, He has backup plans just in case you have problems along the way. Your mistakes are not a surprise to God, and He has more contingency plans than you have faults and failures. God is in it with you for the long haul, and when you get in agreement with him, awesome things start to happen.
How to Not Walk on Water
If you want to walk on water, you must do three things. First, you must get out of the boat. Second, you must ignore the wind and seas. Third, you must ask for help if you start sinking. Everything I know about walking on water, I learned from Peter and Jesus.
Christian Positive Thinking
When God's love enters your heart and mind, it makes you into a new person. When your mind is full of thoughts consistent with his love, your thoughts are healthy and your mind is exactly the way God means for it to be. When your heart is full of emotions consistent with his love, your emotions are healthy, and your heart is exactly the way God means for it to be.
God and Google
Google tracks me to gather data so it can make billions of dollars. Google wants my data, but doesn't care about me in a personal way. God is different. God cares about me and about every aspect of my life. God has no interest in my data; in fact, He is not even keeping track. All He wants is to have a relationship with me based on love.
Soar on the Updrafts of God's Love
God gave you the heart and wings of an eagle. You were designed for flight, and soaring is your domain. If you don’t load yourself up with burdens, you can soar for your entire life. The Bible says, “They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings as eagles. They shall run and not be weary. They shall walk and shall not faint.”