Positive Thinking Students are a diverse group
of people from every nation and race who share many characteristics in
common. At the most basic level, they know who they are, and they
know where they are going. They live their life by design, and they
are willing to do whatever it takes to make their dreams come true.
When things don't work out, they accept responsibility and make
appropriate adjustments. They never quit. For them life is a test,
and as long as they keep moving forward, they pass the test. They
maintain a sustained focus for the long haul, and they are doers rather
than talkers. They commit to their dreams with all the mind, all the heart,
and all their strength. The are unstoppable, consistently positive,
endlessly persistent doers of dreams.
1. Live as if you are a great person. Act as if your dreams are possible and work each day to make them happen. If you are going to live, you may as well live as if you are a great person. That means, you live as if your dreams are possible and work each day to make them happen. You travel far, travel light, and make your life into what you want it to be. As you face problems each day, ask yourself, "How would I handle this challenge if I was a great person?" After you answer that question, go ahead and do what a great person would do. Don't tiptoe through life trying to just get by. Instead, make your life into something memorable, something great. You only get one life, and you may as well make it into a great one. You have little to lose and much to gain, so go ahead and live as if you are great.
Think new thoughts and take new actions that result in a new life. Your old way of thinking will not create a new life. Only new thoughts and actions result in a new life. Your thoughts are the building blocks for adventure. Anyone who can think has everything they need to make their life into an unforgettable adventure. You build your future thought by thought. That means, if you want to have an adventure, you think it into your life. If you really want to move in the direction of your dreams, then you focus on the thoughts that take you there.
God gave you an excellent mind, and He expects
you to use it to make your life into what you want to be. Think an
adventure into your life.
Select an area of excellence
which you develop and give to the world.
If you have been beaten down into mediocrity,
and if you feel there's no reason for hope, it's time for you to listen
up. You have the ability to achieve excellence in at least one area
of your life, and that's just the beginning. There is no limit to
how good your life can become when you align yourself with God's master
Do not tolerate it in any form or to any degree. Don't say it, think it, write it, infer it, or agree with it. It's always wrong and never right. It always makes your life worse and never makes it better.
Don't place limits on worthwhile objectives until you do your utmost to make them happen. Limiting thoughts are a disguised form of negation. They are a way that you say no to life while pretending that life is saying no to you. Limitations are plausible self-deceptions. They are prefabricated excuses for every failure to be what you want to be and do what you want to do. No one blames you for being held back by all the limitations that you have adopted. Limitations are a subtle form of negativity that is socially acceptable. They don't have a bad sound or smell. It even has the appearance of maturity to not struggle with reality and to accept the limitations that appear to be present in the world. When you face a challenge, you write a script of limitations and possibilities based upon your beliefs about yourself. Inside your mind is a personalized collection of limiting beliefs that tell you everything you cannot do. Your limiting beliefs create confusion, and it's easy to attribute your limitations to your world rather than to yourself.
There is no reason to place limits on any
worthwhile object before you try to make it happen. Limiting beliefs
are a choice, and you should choose to not have any.
For as long as you are alive, you must work on your dreams. The day you quit working is the day you start to die. You will be dead for a long time, and there is no need to hasten the process by dying before your time. Life is short, and death is long, and you should never quit until you die. There is only time time when you should quit. When what you are doing obviously isn't working, it's time to try a new strategy.
Managing failure is tricky. You may be
doing the right thing, but your timing is off. You may be doing the
wrong thing, but your timing is right. If you are doing the wrong
thing, or if your timing is off, you should stop what you are doing and
try something new. Failure is not a signal to quit.
Failure is a signal to modify your timing or strategy. Eventually,
you will make the proper adjustments, and your dreams will come true.
You must never quit working on your dreams.
Your mind is not a dumpster for all of the toxic waste of the twenty-first century.
Everything that goes into your mind changes who you
are. The only way to be in control of your destiny is to control
what goes into your mind. If you let your mind become a dumpster for mental toxic waste, you can
say good-bye to your dreams. If you don't control what goes into
your mind, you will lose control over your life. Whatever gets into
your mind expands into your life. You simply must control what goes
into your mind if you want to live your dreams.
Don't let anyone else run it for you. Nobody tells you
how to think or what to do. No one is qualified to run your mind. It is your privilege to run it the way you want. Your mind is a gift from God, and He expects you to assume control over and run it in a way that permits you to live your dreams.
If you run your mind, you have the privilege
of living your dreams. If someone else runs it, your life
becomes a nightmare.
Install a positive operating system in your mind.
Positive thinking works because it is the natural software for your mind.
God designed a positive software package that would permit your mind to
function at full capacity and maximum efficiency. He created your mind to
work best with a positive operating system.
10. Change your life by changing the way you think. Trying to change your life by changing your image is a waste of time and is doing things backwards. It will not work. You change your life by changing the way you think. At the moment of change there is a shift in your beliefs about who you are and what you can do. Whatever changes you make always happen in an instant, and they happen first in your mind. If you are having a hard time bringing about positive change, you need to examine your beliefs. A key belief is preventing you from change. If you alter that belief, you arrive at the instant where change is possible.
Do not talk yourself into believing that
change is impossible. Positive change is something that you already
know how to do. The size of the change is irrelevant. Whether
changes are large or small, they still happen in an instant, and they
happen first in your mind.
You can't go to a destination that you don't have or hit a target that you can't see. Your statement of purpose tells you where you are going and why you are going there. It focuses your mind on your target and keeps you from wasting time and energy on unimportant issues that don't matter. Your statement of purpose is your roadmap. It keeps you on the right path and helps you regain your bearings if you lose the way.
Your statement of purpose protects you from
outcome-oriented thinking. You keep moving in the direction of your
dreams regardless of the outcomes that happen along the way. Your
statement of purpose liberates you from the tyranny of outcome oriented
thoughts. As long as you remain true to your purpose, you know that
you will reach your dreams.
The mind is the door through which you enter the world of positive change. That's why the Bible says, "Be transformed by the renewing of your mind." In order to have a new life, you need a new way of thinking. You can change who you are by changing what you put into your mind. When you change your mind, you change your life. This law of change never fails. Although the wheel of change turns slowly, it always turns in the direction of what you put into your mind. You must fill your mind with positive thoughts so that your life moves in a positive direction. Everything you put into your mind is important because it changes who you are. When you put in good things, your life improves. When you put in bad things, your life becomes worse. There are no exceptions to this law.
Positive transformation is not an accident;
it's something you do on purpose. You become a positive person by putting
positive things into your mind.
Ambivalence is the mortal enemy of your dreams. Unless you are committed to them with all your mind, heart, and strength, you will not be willing to do whatever it takes to make them happen.
The only way to make dreams come true is to
live congruently with your intellect, emotions, and will all heading in
the same direction. When all three work together, ambivalence isn't
a problem. When they head in different directions, ambivalence takes
The moral universe grinds slow, but it grinds
You have a free will, and have the right to break every
law in the moral universe. Nevertheless, breaking those laws is an
exercise in self-destruction. Every law that you break will
eventually break you. That's 100% guaranteed. It will happen.
Have a personal relationship with God based on love.
Open your heart and mind to the power of His love.
Fill your mind with thoughts that are consistent with God's love.
When your mind is full of thoughts consistent with His love, your mind is
exactly the way God means for it to be. When your heart is full of
emotions consistent with His love, your emotions are healthy, and they are
exactly the way God means for them to be.
Maximum Strength Positive Thinking Dr. Dave's book, Maximum Strength Positive Thinking, tells you what to say when your mind talks to you , and what to say when you talk to your mind. You have a lot of things to discuss with your mind, and Maximum Strength Positive Thinking tells you what you should be talking about. You don't need to spend years searching for empowering ideas that make it possible to live your dreams. It's already right here in a self-talk format. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Zero Tolerance To Negative Thinking Dr. Dave's book, Zero Tolerance To Negative Thinking, helps you win the battle against depression. Problems are inevitable, but depression is optional. Overcoming depression is hard, perhaps the hardest thing you will ever do. Just because it is hard, does not mean it's impossible. You can win the battle of the mind and start feeling good once again. If you want to have a mind free from depression, nobody can stop you. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Real Power: Maxingout On God's Love - Dr. Dave's book, Real Power: Maxingout On God's Love, shows you how to max out on God's love. The most positive and most powerful force in the universe is God's love. When his love gets down into your heart and mind, it changes the way you think and feel.. You become a new person with a new life. When your mind is full of thoughts consistent with God's love, you mind is exactly the way God means for it to be. When your heart is full of God's love, your emotions are healthy, and they are exactly the way God means for them to be. When you max out on God's love, there is no limit to how good your life can become. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Check Out The Websites On The Positive Thinking Network And Start Making Your Life Better Today |
Dr. David J. Abbott M.D. is an eye surgeon who treats inner blindness showing people how to look at the world through eyes of possibility and love. Dr. Dave created the Positive Thinking Network to teach people how to control their thoughts and emotions, so they can make their lives into what they want them to be. Dr. Dave speaks from a lifetime of experience working with people around the world. He lived outside the USA for twenty-eight years, and has a global perspective in his writing and speaking. Dr. Dave has a commitment to write about things that work for him. He will not tell you what should work, or what theoretically might work. He limits his message to only those things that work for him in his own life. If it works for him, there is a high probability it will work for you. People from more than 180 countries use the Positive Thinking Network to make their lives better. Tell your friends about Dr. Dave and the Positive Thinking Network. You can make the world a better place by letting other people know that there is hope. Join forces with Dr. Dave and send depression depression packing. Say good-bye to negative thinking and say hello to a positive mind. Connect with God's love and discover the most powerful and most positive force in the universe. There is no limit to how good your life can become when you max out on God's love. Start thinking new thoughts, taking new actions, and get a new life. Your mind is waiting to hear from you, and you need to send it a positive message. Remember, if you really want to be positive, nobody can stop you. |
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Outstanding Positive Websites That Fill Your Mind With Positive Things |
Favorite Articles On The Positive Thinking Network |
The Wheel of Change Always Turns In The Direction Of What You Put Into Your Mind |
Turn The Wheel Of Change In A New Direction With These Positive Thinking Network Sites |
Zero Negative Thinking |
Positive Expectations |
Control Your Emotions |
How Positive Thinking Works Positive thinking works because it is the natural software for your mind. Positive Thinking truly is the right type of thinking. It's more than a good idea. It's the way God designed your mind to work. |
Positive Thinking Seminar |
Fighting Depression |
Positive Thinking Podcasts |
Positive Thinking Psychology |
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![]() Free seminar that shows you how to win the battle against depression. Problems are inevitable, but depression is optional. Visit Eradicate Depression.com. ![]() Positive thinking wallpaper is a great way to fill your mind with positive thoughts and emotions. Every time you turn on your computer, you see pictures that make you into a stronger person. Visit Positive Thinking Wallpaper.com. ![]() Would you like to learn how to change who you are? Visit Change Who You Are.com. ![]() Would you like to develop endless persistence and become an unstoppable, consistently positive, endlessly persistent doer of dreams? Visit Endless Persistence.com. ![]() Does the shadow of emotion control your life? Do dark and troubling thoughts rule your world. Would you like to say good-bye to depression and hello to a positive mind. Visit Fight Depression And Anxiety.com ![]() Would you like to learn how to control your emotions? For your entire life, you have been pumping emotional iron, and your emotions end up controlling your life. Visit How To Control Emotions.com ![]() |
Your emotional mind is an eternal skeptic and must be shown the truth many times before it will believe. Affirmations overwhelm the inner skeptic and change the way you feel. Visit Positive Christian Affirmations.com ![]() Tests always ask the same question. "Are you willing to do whatever it takes?" If you answer yes, then you pass the test. Visit U R Potential Unlimited.com ![]() Positive thinking women think positive thoughts, experience positive emotions, take positive actions, and lead positive lives. Visit Positive Thinking Woman.com ![]() Negativity blinds you to possibility and is the black hole of the mind. Visit Zero Negative Thinking.com |