You are different by design. When God created you, He placed
approximately thirty-thousand genes into your chromosomes, and
your genome is unique to you. Nobody on the entire planet
has the same genes as you. But He didn't have to make us
that way. He could have made us all clones identical in
every respect.
Can you imagine how boring the world would be if we were all the
same? We would like the same colors, enjoy the same foods,
wear the same clothes, and talk the same way.
God decided it would be a better world if we all were unique.
He had to do a lot of bioengineering to make us all different;
creating thirty-thousand genes was no small task. But for
God, it was all in a day's work, and it was also His crowing
achievement. Humans have been on planet earth for many
millennia, and only now are we starting to understand the
greatness of His glory as it's manifested in our chromosomes.
Although we are not all created equal, we all are equally created
by a God who loves us. We are different by design and
different in our responsibilities. Jesus said, "To whom much
is given, much shall be required." Along with our genome
comes the responsibility to use our uniqueness for something good.
If you have a brilliant mind, then you have a great responsibility
to use it to make the world a better place. If your gift is
in making money, you have a responsibility to use it to bless the
You are God's personal creation. Thank goodness you are different
from everyone else.
The Positive Web Ring has thirteen positive web
sites. Each site lifts you up, pushes your mind in a
positive direction, and makes it easier to live your
dreams. The Positive Web Ring has something
positive for everyone. There's
positive self-talk,
positive spirituality,
positive graphics,
positive music,
positive podcasts, and much more.
If you struggle with
negative thinking, visit
No Negative Thinking. If you are fighting
against depression, visit
Eradicate Depression.
The wheel of change always turns in the direction of what
you put into your mind, and the Positive Web Ring
fills your mind with good things. If you really want
to be positive, nobody can stop you. |
Positive Web Ring.com
Positive Self Talk.com
Positive ThinkingRadio.com
Positive Graphics.com
Positive Christian Radio.com
Positive Butterflies.com
Eradicate Depression.com
Maximum Strength Positive Thinking.com
Zero Tolerance To NegativeThinking.com
Real Power: Maxing Out On God's Love.com
Too Many Drummers.com
God Loves
No Negative Thinking.com
Max Out On God's Love.com
You can support
Positive Graphics by purchasing
Dr. Dave's DVD: The Red Sea Chronicles.
The Positive Web Ring features more than 180 Positive Podcasts and
thousands of pages that push your mind in a
positive direction. It's time to get a new way of
thinking and feeling. It's time to fill your mind with
Thanks for your support.