Positive Self-Talk

Fight Depression

Positive Thinking Radio

Max Out On God's Love

Positive Christian Radio

Positive Butterflies


David J. Abbott M.D. is the Positive Thinking Doctor.  Dr. Dave spent his professional career working as an eye surgeon in developing countries.  After twenty-eight years of working overseas, he became an ophthalmologist at Phoenix Indian Medical Center working with more than twenty different Native American tribes from the American south west.

Early in his career, Dr. Dave figured out that positive thinking worked better for most people than negative thinking, but it wasn't clear how or why positive thinking works.  He noticed that people didn't get what they wanted in life.  Instead they got what they expected.  People who had positive expectations seemed to fare better than people who had low or negative expectations.

Dr. Dave also met thousands of people wallowing in depression sinking in a quagmire of negative thoughts, and he wanted to know how and why these people ended up in such a miserable state.

Although he was trained to preserve and restore vision using eye surgery, Dr. Dave wanted to help people restore their inner vision as well.  He wanted to show people how to look at the world through eyes of possibility and love.  That's why he wrote five books:

1. Maximum Strength Positive Thinking

2. Zero Tolerance to Negative Thinking

3. Real Power: Maxing Out On God's Love

4. Programmer's Manual For Your Mind

5. Owner's Manual For Your Mind

These five book summarize what Dr. Dave has learned so far about positive thinking and how to develop a positive mind.

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Dr. Abbott and his family sailed around the world on their thirty-nine foot catamaran Exit Only.  If you want to discover what it's like to sail on the ocean of your dreams, visit their website at  www.maxingout.com.

Positive Graphics.com records some the highlights of their eleven year adventure.  Their photographs have positive captions that encourage you to live your dreams.

Dr. Abbott is an expert in expeditionary desert travel.  He has driven more than one-hundred thousand kilometers in the deserts of Arabia and Australia using customized Land Rover Defenders.  Positive Graphics.com shows his Defenders in action in the Empty Quarter of Saudi Arabia. 


Positive thinking works because it is the natural software for your mind.  God designed a  positive software package that would permit your mind to function at full capacity and maximum efficiency.  He created your mind to work best with a positive operating system.

Negative thinking doesn't work well, because your mind was not designed to function with a negative operating system.  Although your mind is an awesome biocomputer, it will not function well using the wrong software.  Severely depressed people run a negative operating system most of the time, and they illustrate how bad things can get when negative thinking takes control of your thoughts.

Positive thinking truly is the right type of thinking.  Positive thinking is more than a good idea.  It's the way your mind was designed to work.  God designed your mind to function best when it’s under the influence of positive beliefs.

Positive thinking will not make your life perfect.  It will not make all your problems disappear or prevent serious illness and accidents.  Nevertheless, positive thinking will make your life immeasurably better. No amount of positive thinking will take something bad and turn it into something good; however, positive thinking will turn it into something better.  No matter how negative your life is, thinking positive makes it better.

Positive thoughts are like a giant magnet that attracts good things. The more positive thoughts you put into your mind, the stronger the positive magnet becomes, and the more your life improves.  Positive thoughts don’t just pop into your mind.  You put them there on purpose, one thought at a time.  When you fill your mind with positive thoughts, it’s not long before a positive operating system is up and running in your mind.


God has given you all the tools you need to have a positive mind. 

People complain that it's difficult to live as a positive person in a negative world.  They talk as if  the odds are stacked against them.  They should accept their miserable existence and learn to live with a negative mind.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

God gave you the power of repetition to install a positive operating system in your mind.  If you consistently and persistently repeat positive thoughts, it is absolutely inevitable that your mind will fill up with positive things, and before long, your mind will start repeating  those same positive thoughts back to you.

Listen to your inner dialogue.  Is it positive or negative?  If your mind still repeats negative thoughts, then the job's not done.  When the inner voice changes from negative to positive, it's time to celebrate, because now you have a positive operating system running in your mind.

But don't stop using positive repetition when your inner dialogue turns positive.  You're just getting started.  There's no limit to how good your life can become if you continue putting positive things into your mind.

God gave you an awesome mind, and He expects you to fill it with good things.  Repeat the following affirmations until your mind repeats them back to you:

Affirmation I

God loves me and accepts me the way I am, but He loves me too much to let me stay that way.  God's love carries away my burden of guilt.  His love not only wipes the slate clean, it throws the slate away.

Affirmation II

There is no limit to how good my life can become when I open my heart and mind to the power of God's love.  When my mind is full of thoughts consistent with God's love, my mind is exactly the way God means for it to be.  When my heart is full of emotions consistent his love, my emotions are healthy, and they are exactly the way God means for them to be.

Affirmation III

I need to change my mind about many things.  When I look at my failures, I need to change my mind.  When I look at my limitations, I need to change my mind.  When I look at the past, I need to change my mind.  When I look at the present I need to change my mind.  When I look at the future, I need to change my mind.  I can change anything I want in my life by simply changing my mind.

Affirmation IV

Change happens when I think differently than I have always thought and act differently that I have always acted.  I think and act my new life into existence.

Use the miraculous power of positive repetition to install a positive operating system and to change the way you think and feel.



The best way to get a positive operating system up and running is with Maximum Strength Positive Thinking.

Maximum Strength Positive Thinking tells you what to say when your mind talks to you, and what to say when you talk to your mind.  You have a lot of things to discuss with your mind, and Maximum Strength Positive Thinking tells you what you should be talking about.

You don't need to spend years searching for empowering ideas that make it possible to live your dreams.  It's already right here in a self-talk format.

The Law of Positive Self-Talk states: "You can change the way you think and feel by changing what you say when you talk to your mind."

Maximum Strength Positive Thinking shows you how to use positive self-talk to create a new life.  When you repeat positive self-talk, you become a different person.  You literally change who you are by changing what you say when you talk to your mind.

If you don't like what you hear when your mind talks to you, you can use positive self-talk to change the message and push your inner voice in a positive direction.  You can make your life as positive as you want.

What you say to your mind is your roadmap to the future.  Each word takes you to a specific destination.  Make sure your self-talk is positive so it takes you where you want to go.

Maximum Strength Positive Thinking is engineered so that you can easily put it into your mind.  Each positive self-talk is short, to the point, and easily memorized so it can be indelibly imprinted in your memory banks and quickly have maximum impact.

Maximum Strength Positive Thinking contains more than 100 Power Graphics that speak the language of the mind.  The Power Graphics go directly into your photographic memory.  Positive self-talk puts good things in your mind one way, and Power Graphics do it in another.  Together they offer a double dose of positive thinking that pushes your inner voice in a positive direction.

If you want to become a positive person, the self-talk and Power Graphics found in
Maximum Strength Positive Thinking can make it happen.  Give yourself a double dose of positive thinking today.

If you really want to be positive, nobody can stop you.





Would you like to push your mind in a positive direction and learn how to look at the world through eyes of possibility and love?  Take free courses from Positive Thinking University.com

Positive Christian Psychology is simply thinking the way God thinks.  It's the way God intends for us to think and feel.  It's getting in agreement with God.  Visit Positive Christian Psychology.com

You live in a world ruled by your expectations.  You don't get what you want.  You get what you expect.  Fill your mind with positive expectations.  Visit Power Of Positive Expectations.com

Either you control your mind, or it controls you. When you control your thoughts, you control your life.  Learn how to control your mind.  Visit Positive Thinking Seminars.com.

Free seminar that shows you how to win the battle against depression.  Problems are inevitable, but depression is optional.  Visit Eradicate Depression.com.

Positive thinking wallpaper is a great way to fill your mind with positive thoughts and emotions.  Every time you turn on your computer, you see pictures that make you into a stronger person.  Visit Positive Thinking Wallpaper.com.

Push your mind in a positive direction with Contemporary Christian Rock Music from Too Many Drummers.  Enjoy Melodic Art Rock at its finest.  Visit Positive Christian Music.com.

Would you like to learn how to change who you are?  Visit Change Who You Are.com.

Would you like to escape from the Land Of Depression where backward thinking rules? Visit Backward Thinking.com.

Would you like to develop endless persistence and become an unstoppable, consistently positive, endlessly persistent doer of dreams? Visit Endless Persistence.com.

Do you know the facts of love?  You need to look at yourself through God's eyes of love to understand what it means to be one of his children.  Visit Facts Of Love.com

Does the shadow of emotion control your life? Do dark and troubling thoughts rule your world. Would you like to say good-bye to depression and hello to a positive mind.  Visit Fight Depression And Anxiety.com

Positive thinking is the natural software for your mind. Discover how positive thinking works, and how you can make it work for you. Visit How Positive Thinking Works.com

Would you like to fly like an eagle on the updrafts of God's love? Visit Flying Like An Eagle.com

Would you like to learn how to eliminate depression from your life?  The battle against depression is fought on the battlefield of focus.  Visit How To Eliminate Depression.com

Would you like to learn how to defeat depression?  Eliminating the negative does not automatically make you positive.  You must push your mind in a positive direction by filling it with positive things.  Visit How To Defeat Depression.com

Would you like to learn how to conquer depression?  It requires years of training to become a miserable unhappy human being.  Get back to the basics of healthy thinking at How To Conquer Depression.com

Would you like to learn how to control your emotions? Although your thoughts control your emotions, it's your emotions that rule your world.  Feeling is believing.  Visit How To Control Your Emotions.com

Would you like to learn how to feel positive? What you think about determines the chemistry of your brain.  When you choose your thoughts, you chose your chemistry.  When you change your thoughts, you change your chemistry. You are not the victim of your chemistry.  You are its creator.  Visit How To Feel Positive.com

Would you like to learn how to control your thoughts? You have a lot of things to discuss with your mind, and everything you say needs to be positive.  Visit How To Control Your Thoughts.com

Would you like to learn how to think positive thoughts?  Do not walk the path of self-destruction by loading your mind with toxic waste.  Fill your mind with good things. Visit How To Think Positive Thoughts.com

Positive Parents create positive teenagers.  Visit Positive Teenagers.com.

Would you like to learn how to control your emotions? For your entire life, you have been pumping emotional iron, and your emotions end up controlling your life.  Visit How To Control Emotions.com

Your emotional mind is an eternal skeptic and must be shown the truth many times before it will believe.  Affirmations overwhelm the inner skeptic and change the way you feel.  Visit Positive Christian Affirmations.com

Christian thinking is always positive, but positive thinking is not always Christian.  Negative thinking is never Christian.  God created positive thinking to be the natural software for your mind.  Visit Positive Christian University.com.

Jesus is the greatest positive thinker who ever lived.  He created a world ruled by positive expectations.  You don't get what you want; you get what you expect.  It doesn't matter if your expectations are positive or negative.  You will always get what you expect. Visit Positive Thinking Man.com

God and Google track everything you do and know all about you.  The major difference between God and Google is the fact that God actually cares about you.  You need to learn the facts of love.  Visit God And Google.com

Positive thinking women think positive thoughts, experience positive emotions, take positive actions, and lead positive lives.  Visit Positive Thinking Woman.com

Positive parents create positive children.  Learn how to raise positive children.  Visit Positive Thinking Children.com.

A positive mind isn't an accident; it something you do on purpose.  In order to have a positive mind, you need to develop a persistently positive focus.  Visit Positive Thinking Checklist.com

You must know what to say when your mind talks to you, and what to say when you talk to your mind.  You have a lot of things to discuss with your mind.  Visit Maximum Strength Positive Thinking.com

The University of Positive Thinking offers free courses to anyone who wants to become a more positive person. Think new thoughts, experience new feelings, take new actions, and get a new life.  Visit the University of Positive Thinking.com

Positive Thinking Radio has powerful positive podcasts that will supercharge your life.  Visit Positive Thinking Radio.com

Learn how to max out on God's love.  Visit Real Power: Maxing Out On God's Love.com

Positive Christian wallpaper is a great way to fill your mind with good things. Visit Positive Christian Wallpaper.com

What you put into your mind becomes the wind that blows there.  If you don't like the thoughts blowing through your mind, you can change them. Simply change what you put into your mind.  Visit Owner's Manual For Your Mind.com

Three books that can make a big difference in your life. Maximum Strength Positive Thinking, Zero Tolerance to Negative Thinking, and Real Power: Maxing Out On God's Love.  Visit Positive Books For A Negative World.com

What does a personal relationship with God do for you? What can you expect? Visit Positive Christian.com

Positive self-talk isn't about where you are or where you have been.  It's about where you are going.  You can give your mind a massive push in a positive direction using positive self-talk.  Visit Positive Self-Talk.com

What you listen to makes you into a different person.  You need to turn on the positive mind pump and fill your mind with positive things. Listen to over 200 positive podcasts by Dr. Dave on six different websites.  Visit Positive Thinking Podcasts.com

Focus gives you powerful leverage over your mind.  When you focus on a thought for a minute, you push your mind in a positive direction for a minute.  When you have a consistently positive focus for hours and days, your life moves in a positive direction and you become a new person.  Visit Power Of Positive Focus.com

Overcoming depression is  hard, perhaps the hardest thing you will ever do.  Fighting against depression isn't a stroll in the park; it's a dogfight.  But if you decide to join the fray, you can win the battle and drive depression from your mind.  If you want to have a mind free from depression, nobody can stop you. Visit Quitting Depression.com

When we think like men, we stumble.  We need a new way of thinking.  We need to think as God thinks.  We need to get in agreement with God.  Visit The Words In Red.com

Tests always ask the same question.  "Are you willing to do whatever it takes?"   If you answer yes, then you pass the test.  Visit U R Potential Unlimited.com

Whatever you do, you must do it with all your mind, all your heart, and all your strength. Visit Zero Ambivalence Club.com

Problems are inevitable, but depression is optional.  If you really want to have a mind free from depression, nobody can stop you. Visit Zero Depression.com

Negativity blinds you to possibility and is the black hole of the mind.  Visit Zero Negative Thinking.com

Affirmations do more than change the way you think.  They also change the way you feel.  They give you the power to change what is in your heart.  Visit Powerful Positive Affirmations.com

The most positive force in the universe is God's love.  The most powerful force in the universe is God's love.  The most important fact in the universe is that God loves and accepts you the way you are, but He loves you too much to let you stay that way. Visit Christian Positive Thinking.com

A Positive Mental Checklist is your insurance policy for a good day.  Visit Positive Mental Checklist.com

What you put into your mind changes who you are.  Visit Abbott University.com and start filling your mind with good things.

God is love and works by love.  The power and presence of God in my life is love.  God loves me and accepts me the way I am, but He loves me too  much to let me stay that way.  God loves me from the top of my head to the tip of my toes, and it doesn't get any better than that.  There is no limit to how good my life can become when I open my heart and mind to the power of his love. Visit God Loves U.com

News that's worth putting into your mind.  Visit Positive Thinking News.com.

Positive Christian Radio plays the sound of God's Love.  Too Many Drummers is the featured band on Positive Christian Radio.  Dr Dave has more than twenty positive podcasts for your  listening pleasure.  Visit Positive Christian Radio.com

Say good-bye to depression and hello to a positive mind.  Visit Zero Tolerance To Negative Thinking.com

Listen to short five minute talks that can change your life on Positive World Wide Radio.com 

Christian thinking is always positive, but positive thinking is not always Christian. Visit Positive Thinking Church.com.

Find out if you are a member of the Life Long Disoriented.  Visit Life Long Disoriented.com.

The most positive and most powerful force in the universe is God's Love.  The Bible tells the story of God's love, which means that the Bible is the most positive and most powerful book ever written.  Visit Positive Thinking Bible.com

God is the God of the possible.  Impossible is not in God's vocabulary, and it shouldn't be in yours.  Everything is possible when you think the way God thinks.  Visit Increase Faith.com

So what are you waiting for?  It's time to start sailing on the ocean of your dreams!


Too Many Drummers has a new CD called, "Do You Believe The World Is Flat?" Take a minute to listen to their music.  If you like what you hear, download individual songs or the entire CD from I-Tunes or Amazon music.

When you purchase their music, you get outstanding Christian music, and you support a band with a positive message.



You can support the Positive Thinking Network by purchasing Dr. Dave's DVD: The Red Sea Chronicles.  The Positive Thinking Network features more than 180 Positive Podcasts and thousands of pages that push your mind in a positive direction.   It's time to get a new way of thinking and feeling.  It's time to fill your mind with positive things. Thanks for your support.



When Dr. Dave isn't working as a flying Doctor for the Indian Health Service, he is sailing around the world on his sailboat.  Find out what it's like to sail on the ocean of your dreams by watching Dr. Dave's DVD - The Red Sea Chronicles.  Put some positive adventure into your mind and push your life in a positive direction.


Captain Dave and his family spent eleven years sailing around the world on their Privilege 39 catamaran, Exit Only. During the trip, the crew of Exit Only shot 200 hours of video with professional cameras to show people what it's like to sail on a small boat around the world.

The Red Sea Chronicles is a one hour and twenty-two minute feature film showing their adventures as Exit Only sails through Pirate Alley in the Gulf of Aden and up the Red Sea.  The professional footage documents their experiences in Oman, Yemen, Eritrea, Sudan, Egypt, and the Suez Canal.  It chronicles the rigors of traveling in a remote section of the world rarely visited by cruisers.  Exit Only dodges Yemeni pirates, fights a gale and sand storms in the Bab al Mandeb at the southern entrance to the Red Sea.  The crew explores deserted islands on the western shores of the Red Sea, and learns to check the cruising guides for land mines before venturing ashore.

The Red Sea Chronicles also has outstanding Special Features that include an Instructional Video on Storm Management that tells sailors how to deal with storms at sea.

And don't forget the two Music Videos: "The Red Sea Blues", and "Captain - Save Our Souls".

The Red Sea Chronicles is a first class adventure that stokes the sailing dreams of both experienced and wannabe sailors alike.  Order your copy of the Red Sea Chronicles and experience the adventures of Exit Only as they sail around the world and up the Red Sea.




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